Grayson County TXGenWeb

Whitewright Sun
Sunday, January 1913

January 20, 1913
Rev. F.M. Richardson filled his regular appointment at the M.E. Church Sunday a.m.
"Every fellow to the plow handle," is our motto.
Mrs. G. Oliver called on Mrs. Fritz Bryant Monday afternoon.
J.J. McCurdy left Friday for Hughes Springs, where he will make his new home.
Geo. Garner and sister, Miss Laura, visited their cousin, Miss Gladys Garner of Sherman Saturday.
Cards are out announcing the approaching wedding of Miss Maggie L. Everheart and Mr. Homer H. Sears of town on the 29th inst.
Miss Kugga Blanton is real sick at this writing with typhoid.
Ben Childress and sister, Miss Sallie, of town visited friends in this community Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alverson spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Alverson

Canaan News

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