Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Whitewright Sun
June 15, 1972
pg. 6

(from Whitewright Sun, 1916)
There will be a box supper Friday night at the Canaan School house 3 miles north of town. Everyone is invited to come and bring a well filled box.  The proceeds from the supper will be used for the benefit of the school.

The Whitewright Sun
June 25, 1970
pg. 6

(from Whitewright Sun, 1938)
Mrs. J.T. McBroom was hostess for a gift shower at her home at Canaan, complimenting Mrs. Barney McBroom.  Mrs. McBroom was married during the Christmas holidays.

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, October 8, 1970
pg. 8

(from Whitewright Sun, October 1930)
C C McKenna and Fred Clark of the Canaan Community north of town killed a large rattlesnake on Cedar Creek.  The snake was 61 inches long and weighed over 6 pounds.

Canaan History

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