The Poor Farm of Grayson County, Texas By: Dusty Williams Order now. $12.95 Also available on Amazon A place vanished from many record
books was a home to many residents of Grayson County, was, The Poor
Farm. Follow the colorful history of this eventful place from its begining to
its end. The County Farm of Grayson County, like other County Poor Farms,
provided a home for the needy and less fortunate. From times of peace,
prosperity and production, to Edna Gladney's famous march on the dire
circumstances that surrounded the county farm of Grayson County. Trace the
intimate history of many of the residents, including farmers, doctors and even a
niece of Davy Crockett who once called this place home. This book not only
documents the history of the home, but provides biographies of those who lived
here as well as those who ran the farm throughout its long history.
-Also includes a history of the Pecan Grove Community, west of Sherman. Denison Daily Cresset
Tuesday, June 5, 1877 pg. 4 The county court has bought a poor farm, 160 acres, of Jack Harvey about 3-1/2 miles west of Sherman, for $3,200 at the rate of $20 an acre. Possession is to be given in the fall. - - - Sherman Patriot Denison Daily Cresset
Friday, August 16, 1878 pg. 4 The Commissioners Court have purchased the old Vaden farm, containing 220 acres, at a cost of $20 per acre, one-half cash and one-half in 12 months. Possession is to be give on the 15th of October. This purchase is for the establishment of a poor farm. It is located 3 miles northwest of Sherman. - - - Sherman Courier Denison Daily Cresset
Friday, October 18, 1878 pg. 4 Tuesday the Commissioner's court made the second payment, $1,650 on the poor farm recently purchased. A cash payment of $1,000 was made at the time of purchase. and there is still $2,750 due, which is payable in 12 months, without interest. Mr. Daggy, superintendent of the poor, has a comfortable building erected for insane paupers, and other necessary buildings. The county will not get possession of all its paupers until December 1st, the contract with Mr. Harvey holding until that day. Denison Daily Cresset
Friday, May 18, 1887 pg. 4 We learn that the court has opened the bids for a poor farm; building the Choctaw bridge; putting the cage in the jail, and for sectionizing the school lands, but has not yet passed upon either of these matters. There are 17 bids to seell t he county farm for the poor, and some of them are said to be remarkably low. Before making a purchase the members of the court w ill go out to the different tracts of land offered, or to those considered the most eligible, and make a personal examination. They will buy for the county as prudent men would buy for t heir own use, and being practical farmers and good judges of land, may be trusted to make a good selection. County Poor Farm History 1880 Letter From the Wife of the Superintendent of Grayson County Poor Farm Grayson County Poor Farm by Dusty Williams County Poor Farm Cemetery aka Alms House & Vaden Cemetery County Poor Farm Cemetery Sherman History Adopt a Pauper Known Residents James & Martha Catherine (Red) Weems PLACES Copyright © 2025, TXGenWeb. If you find any of Grayson County, TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |