Grayson County TXGenWeb

Bayliss Massey

1870 Federal Census
Precinct 1, Grayson Co., Texas
P.O. Sherman
6 August 1870
Stamped pg. #41

Massey, Balie  44  MB born Ala  cannot read/write Male US Citizen 21 yrs old or older
Massey, Mary  23  FB born Arknsas  cannot read/write
Massey, Jacob  12 MB  born Texas  cannot read/write
Massey, Tisha  11  FB  born Texas  cannot read/write
Massey  Oliver  3  MB  born Texas

Massey, Elizabeth  67  FB born S Carolina  cannot read/write
Massey, Malina  25  FB  born Ala  cannot read/write
Massey, Elen  20  FB  born Ala  cannot read/write
Massey, Kitty  11 FB  born Texas  cannot read/write
Massey, Dory  9  FB  born Texas  cannot read/write
Massey, Luvine  7  born Texas  cannot read/write
Massey, Eliza  5  born Texas
Massey, Mannier 15  FB  born Texas 
Massey, Edmon  14 MB  born Texas  cannot read/write
Massey, Kate  12  FB  born Texas  cannot read/write
Massey, Lawer  6 FB  born Texas  cannot read/write

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, July 25, 1886

Today about 1 o'clock an interesting set-to took place in Tom Box's saloon between Col. Bayliss Massey and Captain Bob Tail Duffey.  The colonel had a large cane, which he always carries to support his dignity, and rather had the captain at a disadvantage.  They were separated, but it is probable that a meeting will shortly take place and the affair be settled according to the code.  Difference of political opinion is supposed to be the cause of the trouble.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, May 15, 1887
pg. 4

A crowd of boys and men were in Tom Fox's saloon Monday afternoon teasing the crazy negro Bayliss Massey.  He crept up behind one of the boys, named Albert Johnson, and hit him twice upon the head with his heavy cane, inflicting a  severe scalp wound.  He was arrested and lodged in...

Sherman Daily Register
Wednesday, May 25, 1887
pg. 4

Not long since Henry Bayliss, a colored lunatic, was brought over from Denison and put on the county farm.  He remained for a few days and then eluding his guards ran away.  He went back to Denison where he was again taken in charge, and last even ing brought back to the farm where he is now confined.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, May 29, 1887
pg. 1

General Bayliss Massey, who has been twice sent to the poor farm and once before escaped, came to the city Th ursday, having got away again.  Bayliss had rather breathe the atmosphere of Tom Fox's saloon and talk about his intimacy with President Cleveland than associate with paupers in a country district, no matter how well he may be used.  He is a long headed old coon if he is crazy and it wiill take some watching to keep him upon the poor farm.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, December 6, 1896
pg. 4

That good old soul, Bayliss Massey, colored, who has resided here for 24 years, is dead.  Bayliss was a noted character.  He had been demented a number of years.  His hallucination was that he had an immense bank account, and was an intimate friend of President Cleveland.  Bayliss wore a large number of medals - in fact, he was literally covered with them.  They consisted of advertising devices which were scattered around the street by drummers.  He was the original well-digger of this section.  He was the oldest landmark in colored circles, and was better known than any other darkey in Denison.  Although demented, he was harmless, and was tenderly cared for by his children and relatives, who gave the old man a good send-off at death.



County Farm History

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