Grayson County TXGenWeb

Woodmen Circle Home

Nancy Loughborough Walker

In 1952, Nancy Loughborough and her two sisters found themselves on a train bound for Fort Worth.  She was one of eight children.  She was poor; but her mother paid $2.50 as a deposit for a life insurance policy, insuring her three youngest children.  Before she could make another payment, she died.  Nancy and her sisters, Judy and Barbara, got off the train in Fort Worth and were met by Mr. Alexander, the superintendent of the Woodmen Circle home.  "He said, "Don't worry about a thing. From now on we will take care of you," Nancy explained.  "And that is exactly what happened."  Her older brothers were not so fortunate.  They went into the foster care system in Arizona, and no matter how hard officials with the Home tried, the boys were not allowed to join their sisters here.  "When we came to the home, there were only four other children here," Nancy said.  "The Alexanders raised us just like we were one big family, including vacations."

1953-1954 1955-1956 1956 -1957
1957 - 1958 1958 -1959

Woodmen Circle Home

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