Grayson County TXGenWeb

Woodmen Circle Home
Time line

Mrs. Doran Alexander Talley, one of the early presidents of the Supreme Woodmen Circle Organization, lived in Garland, Texas, and was familiar with this area and instrumental in the founding of the home and its location.

Nov. 14, 1928 - Groundbreaking

June 25, 1930 - Dedication of the Administration Building
It opened with a "handful" of children. Orphans that were listed as Lee and Edith Carmichael, & Edwin, Sadie, Robert and Lillian Pulliam.  B.H. Elder move to the home.  The property was over 150 acres.

1931 - Seventeen additional orphans were admitted.

1923-34 - Thirty-five more orphans moved to th Sherman Home with records indicating the total number of orphans peaking at about 10 in 1935.

1948 - Only four orphans in residence, with eight additional children coming over the remaining years.

1957: "Hot" Alexander retired from Woodmen Circle Home, opened real estate firm in town.  Missy Alexander took over his responsibilities. 

1960: Missy Alexander retired from Woodmen Circle Home.  Jo Nell Chumley left the home and went to live with the Alexanders.

1965- Two siblings, Brandona and Sharon Moe, were the only "junior residents" at Woodmen Circle Home.

1965 - Supreme Forest of the Woodmen Circle (the founding organization) merged into the Woodmen of the World Insurance Company and no new residents were accepted after July 1966.

1971 - Woodmen Circle Home closed after serving more than a 100 children and 165 elderly women and a few elderly men.

1970s - Woodmen Circle Home purchased by five local attorneys.

1977 - 1980 - Woodmen Circle Home used by Dr. Ariel Sherman and Tabernacle group.

1980 - 1990 - Property sold to numerous investment groups including Sunbelt Savings, eventually going into receivership.

1990 - Woodmen Circle Home purchased by current owners, David and Debbie McNees from the Resolution Trust Corporation.  At that time the property included only 13.5 acres.

Woodmen Circle Home

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