Grayson County TXGenWeb

Dallas Morning News
Sunday, October 4, 1914
Section 4, page 9

Third Death results from Woodlake Wreck
Special to the News

Sherman, Texas, Oct. 3 - R. B. Sichter, vice president and general manager of the Texas Traction Company has been in Sherman all day today consulting with Superintendent M. J. Loftus and other officials of the road, and with trainmen in the employ of the company, including those who were in the interurban wreck near Woodlake yesterday afternoon. It was semi-officially stated this afternoon that the curve where the accident happened would be straightened immediately.

The wrecked cars were removed further up the on the main track last night and cars passed around them on the passing track. Today the cars were moved to the shops at Woodlake for repairs.

The third death caused by the wreck occurred just before noon today when Dave Bolen of Denison died. He resided at 1301 West Day street, Denison, and his body was sent to that city for interment.

The body of F. D. Hagan, Bridgeman for the Texas Traction Company, was buried in the Catholic cemetery here this afternoon, following services at St. Mary's Catholic church of which he was a member. Services were conducted by the Rev. John Blum, the pastor, and the funeral was largely attended.

Following were the pallbearers: Joe O'Hagan, Joe Korloth, Fred Schlosser, John Howe, Joe Howlowitz, and Charles A. Walcott, active; C. P. Gregory, Dan D. Dugan, Fred W. Hudson, Ora J. Belden, John Jephcott and E. S. Burdett.

The body of H. R. Hearne, who was also killed in the wreck, is still at the undertaking establishment of the John C. Dannel Undertaking Company, no instructions having as yet been received as to its disposition. Telegram sent last night to relatives in Springfield, Mo, had not been answered up to 4 o'clock this afternoon.

Of the injured, G. H. Aston, Sherman; W. B. Brooks, Denison; Mrs. Susie Fishburn, Sherman; D. B. Williams, Sherman, J. B. Stewart, Ardmore; Fritz Oelze are all in a serious condition .........

Woodlake History

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