The Sherman
December 14, 1887
Every person 20
years of age or the head of a family, a
citizen of the United States, or one who has declared of becoming a
citizen can
claim the benefit of the law.
Full citizenship is not required of the immigrant to enable him to
in the benefits of this law. The
thing he must do after his arrival in America is to declare his
intention of
becoming a citizen.
Everything that is raised, and all improvements on the land, will
belong to the
The immigrant has no expense except some small fees to government
which amount for 160 acres (according to location) to eighteen or
dollars all for land worth $1.25per acre; or twenty six or thirty four
for land worth $2.50 per acre.
An immigrant can take 160 acres under the homestead law as a gift, and
purchase 160 acres more, if he so desires, at from $1.25 to $2.50 per
acre. This will
give him 320 acres.
Then, under a law passed June 14, 1878, entitled the “Forest Law”, he
can take
up 160 acres (or 40 acres as he may elect), of land naturally devoid of
timber. One-sixteenth
part of the land
must be planted in young forest trees, seeds or cuttings, and the trees
must be
kept for eight years in good growing condition.
That is, if 160 acres are taken under the “Forest Law” , five acres
must be
plowed the first year, cultivated the second year, and planted the
third year;
and five more acres must be broken second year and cultivated the third
and planted the fourth year.
If 80 or 40 acres are taken up, it is only necessary
to plant 5 or 2 ½ acres respectively, as
above explained.
After the expiration of eight years, or within thirteen years, and
after the
planter has proved by two witnesses that he has complied fully with the
provisions of the “Forest Law”, the government gives him a patent for
Persons that take up land under the “Forest Law” need not reside on it,
and may
at the same time take up and possess lands under the Homestead Law.
settler can make
his choice from any of the governmental lands, but must report his
selection to
the United States Land Office, when, after presenting the proof that he
complied with the requirements of the law, he will receive a patent for
land as his individual property.
lands are free from taxes and cannot be seized for debts contracted
before the taking up of the same.
the planter die after having made entry, his heirs have the right to
fulfill, in his place, its provisions, and after the expiration of
eight years
to receive the patent for the land.
is no government in the world that has ever passed laws so wise, so
liberal, so beneficial. They
have proved
a boon to thousands of poor struggling men.
Any industrious man, with a small amount of means,
can avail himself of
their provisions, and in a few years become owner of his own farm.
following is what it costs to enter a homestead:
acres, all expenses ~ $18.00
acres, all expenses ~ $22.00
acres, all expenses ~ $25.00
acres, all expenses ~ $30.00
Ethnic Research
Grayson County History
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