Grayson County TXGenWeb
 First Born Citizens of Grayson County

All references to Texana Dumas Cannon that have been reviewed state that she was the first white child born in Grayson County.  However, she was actually born January 3, 1846 in Fannin County since the Texas Legislature did not create Grayson County from a portion of Fannin County until March 17, 1846.  Determination of the first white child born in Grayson County is still under investigation.  Below is the death certificate for Sarah Texana Duncan Chapman who was born in Grayson County July 26, 1846.  If not the first white child born in Grayson County, pending further investigation, Sarah Texana Duncan was one of the first children born in Grayson County, having arrived on the scene four months after the formation of Grayson County.

S.Y. Creager, in a 1925 interview, claimed to have been the second white child born in Grayson County, having been born November 25, 1846.

Grayson County "Firsts"

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