Grayson County TXGenWeb

Automobile Accident

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, August 11, 1907
pg. 1

An Accident
The first automobile accident took place early Thursday evening west of the city about 4 miles, near what is known as the Owens farm.  The automobile driven by Dr. James run off of a high dump and turned completely over.  The occupants were John Suggs, wife and baby, E.E. Davis and Dr. James, wife and child.
The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Suggs had its nose broken.  Mr. Suggs was considerably bruised and Dr. James sustained fracture of the left rib.  The worst injured was E.E. Davis.  He was brought to the city in a helpless condition.  His back is badly wrenched.  How serious his injuries are, is now know at this writing.
The automobil was badly wrecked.


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