William Bell Munson
Will B. Munson, practical
viticulturist and nurseryman, has for more than a quarter of a century carried
forward the work established by his father in the city of Denison. The Munson
Nurseries were established by T. V. Munson (1843 - 1913) in 1876,
and in 1895 his son, Will B. Munson, assumed charge of the work, leaving his
father free to continue his botanical research work. He had grown up in the
business, and under his illustrious father acquired many advanced ideas as a
nurseryman, and upon taking charge of the work he continued on the lines
already established.
"Typical Vineyard Near Denison"
Robinson, Frank M., comp. Industrial Denison. [N.p.]: Means-MooreCo., 1901. Page 61.
From an acreage of forty-five acres, the plant has now
grown until one hundred and sixty acres are intensively cultivated, and the
stock has been constantly developed and improved until the Munson line of fruit
trees, especially adapted to the climate of the Southwest, are in great demand.
The Dallas Morning News
Sunday, July 24, 1977
W.B. Munson III checks a grape breed developed by his great uncle.
Century-old Vineyard Preserving History
by Kathleen Hast
Texas - Make no mistake about it. The grapes grown at the T.V.
Munson Memorial Vineyard here are not the grapes we buy for --c a pound
at the local supermarket.
And they are not made into the under 42c bottle "pop"..that make most wine...cringe.
folks at Grayson County Junior College where the vineyard is located
know all about the visitors and...although their preservation of the
European grapes have a definite Texas...
And Thursday they decided it was time everyone else knew of their little venture.
100 years ago Thomas Volney Munson moved to the Denison area and to
quote a 1928 article on Munson found his "grape paradise."
He began
cross breeding local grapes with European and North American grapes.
All in all, he produced 300 varieties, although only 80 are...in
his book, "...of the American Grapes."
Several years ago Munson's
descendants formed the T.V. Munson Foundation, which supports the
vineyard. Members of the foundation put up the chain-link fence
that surrounds the greenhouse and vineyard, and plan to build a...at
the location....
And while the visitors, mostly members of the
press, nodded knowlingly, he discussed the "sprightly"....hybrid...most
were looking for a place to get rid of the...after one...of the better
But the "sprightly" tang of the Champutal is nothing when
compared with the Mustang, the grape that saved the vineyards of France
and earned Munson the Legion of Honor from that country in 1888.
In the mid 1800s France was plaqued with...insects which attacked and killed the roots of the vines.
sent root cuttings from the almost indestructable Mustang vine, which
when crossed with the French vines, resulted in heartier vineyards.
Mustang, however, has a somewhat less than desireable flavor.
Horace Porter, a 7?-year-old Denison man who once worked for
Munson, decided to have a little fun with two visitors.
each a deep purple Mustang grape, Porter encouraged them to bite into
the skin, then laughed out loud as they gasped, spit, then slapped
their hands over their mouths.
"That Mustang has more pucker power than anything you can name," said the victim when he recovered....

Since the death of the elder Mr. Munson, in 1913, Mr. Will Munson has carried
on the work alone. Grape culture is still
given special attention, and it has
been Mr. Munson's pleasure to witness the vast good that has come of his
father's investigations as a viticulturist. The Munson Nurseries are located at
1607 [South] Merrick [Mirick] Avenue, Denison, Texas.

Left to Right: Daniel Munson (1815-1893), Eliphet Philbrook Munson (1817-1907), William Munson (1808-1890)
sons of Theodore Munson and Lydia Philbrook
Individuals named William Munson buried in
Fairview Cemetery, Denison, Texas
2 AUG 1808 - 5 DEC 1890 |
1873 - 1931 |
7 JAN 1846 - 6 FEB 1930 |
1 JAN 1886 - 25 FEB 1936 |
1915 - 1989 |
29 MAY 1951 - 20 SEP 1999 |
Munson Family History
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