Grayson County TXGenWeb


55 years of age

The Sunday Gazetteer
March 13, 1892

Frank James came in from the Panhandle this morning.  He says he met numerous cattlemen, and learned from them that their attendance at the convention depended on whether or not there would be any rain.  This obstacle has been put aside, as a copious rain fell all over the Panhandle yesterday, Amarillo and Wichita Falls having very heavy showers, and there is now an abundance of water.  Mr. James will be in the city about a week.  He has been selling some fine stock and has only twenty-seven jacks left out of the bunch.  He is one of the famous James brothers, a brother of Jesse James, who was killed by one of the Ford boys.  He is enthusiastic over the Panhandle, and thinks Texas the grandest state in the Union. - - Fort Worth Mail

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