Grayson County TXGenWeb

Dwight David Eisenhower
Grayson County's Most Famous Son

The 1891-1892 Denison City Directory lists David Eisenhower as living at the northeast corner of South Lamar Avenue and East Day Street.

The official address of President Eisenhower's birthplace is now (2017) 609 South Lamar, but at the time the city acquired the property from E.H. Mullin in early 1946, the address was 201 East Day. The above map of the block, adapted from the 1914 Sanborn Fire Map, shows "201" on the south side of the block.  (Editor's note: The block is actually shown on two earlier fire maps, 1903 & 1908, but the 1914 is the first year that shows the correct addresses in sequence of the properties along the south side of Shepherd Street.)  Note that the adapted Sanborn Fire Map shows the Texas & Pacific railroad track cutting north-south through the east side of the block; the track was not laid until early 1896.  The excavation and grading of the roadbed was done in the waning months of 1895.  The former Eisenhower house at 226 E. Shepherd was sacrificed to the railroad.  The little blue finger on the map points to where the house sat prior to the railroad's arrival.  Consider for the moment where we would be today if the Eisenhower family had not decided to make the move of slightly less than two blocks.  Ike would have been born on Shepherd Street, the house would have been demolished five years later, and visitors to Ike's birthplace would have nothing to view but an empty lot.

The 1889-1890 City Directory lists David J. Eisenhower as living at 226 E. Shepherd Street.  The directory does not list his wife, Ida, because women were not listed in the early directories unless, in the case of widows, there were no men in the household to list.  However, it can be deduced that Ida and the two oldest sons were living in Denison with the elder David Eisenhower  at the time the 1889 - 1890 city directory was compiled.

The clipping from The Sunday Gazetteer below states that the compilation of the 1889-1890 directory was about to begin the last week of June 1889.

A second clipping, dated the first week of October 1889, confirms the 1889-1890 city directory was compiled two months earlier.  The two announcements, taken together, date the compilation month of July 1889, give or take a week.  When the canvasser for the city directory came to the door at 225 E. Shepherd, David Eisenhower's wife and sons had been in Denison for at least two months, and perhaps as many as five months.  When David left them in Hope, Kansas, in the fall of 1888, Ida was pregnant with their second son, Edgar, who was born in Kansas on January 19, 1889.  The Phillips & Hassel Grayson County History says Ida and the children arrived in Denison in February 1889.  Jean Edward Smith's 2012 biography of President Eisenhower says they came in April 1889.  Either way, Ida and the boys had moved to Denison before the 1889-1890 City Directory was compiled in July 1889.  The listing below of the even-numbered houses in the 200 block of Shepherd Street for six consecutive years, 1887-1892, shows the the five houses remained the same, with the house at 200 by itself on the west end of the block and the other four located on the east half of the block.  

200 blk East Shepherd Street, south side, 1887-88 Denison City Directory

200 HINGIE, Patrick blacksmith, MoPac Ry
216 SHAW, James B.  carpenter
222 ADCOCK, John R. laborer
226 DOLLARHIDE, John R. engineer, MK&T
228   BECK, Daniel S.   tinner, MK&T shops

200 blk East Shepherd Street, south side, 1889-90 Denison City Directory

200 LODGE, L. D.  wks, MK&T shops
216 McGHEE, George carpenter
TURLEY, J. T. mechanic
222 VUNKANNON, J. W.  laborer
226 EISENHOWER, David wks, MK&T shops
228  BECK, D. S. tinner

200 blk East Shepherd Street, south side, 1891-92 Denison City Directory

200 BULLARD, Charles caller, MK&T shops
216 FREY, F. Edward  brakeman, MK&T
222 MURRAY, John F.  carpenter
226 BAKER, Morton C.   fireman, MK&T
228 BECK, Daniel S. tinner, Sam Hanna & Son

The reason that David Eisenhower rented the house at South Lamar Avenue and Day Street and moved his family into it is unknown; the location of the Lamar & Day house was a block farther west and thus a block closer to the MKT shops where David worked.

Other mentions of the 1891-1892 Denison City Directory in the Gazetteer indicate that the 1891-1892 City Directory was compiled in the month of September 1890, just weeks before Ike was born on October 14, 1890.  That leaves a window of more than a year, July 1889 - September 1890, for the family's move to Ike's birthplace.  However, it seems likely that the move was made sooner in the year's span since all of the family recollections of their time in Denison reference only the second house, the one at the corner of S. Lamar Avenue & Day Street. 

1896 Bird's Eye View Map of Denison

 After Ike was born, the family continued to live in the same house for the remainder of 1890 and all of 1891 and at least a few weeks in 1892 before they left for Tyler, en route back home to Kansas.

Eisenhower History

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