1906 ...by a Cyclone HIT BY A CYCLONE ...House Near Denison Ruined by Wind ...news
came in today of the...Thursday night tearing...residence of Rufus
Underwood, 4 miles southeast of I.T. Underwood, wife and children
were in the house when it was torn to pieces, but all escaped
serious...The chimney of the house...Mr. Underwood and he sustained
several bruises.
The Underwoods' house, a frame...was wrecked and pieces scattered...furniture was ruined and...blown away. Several trees were blown down, one 2 feet in diameter being snapped off. The strange part of the occurrence is the small area in which the storm did the damage. From all parts of the country storm reports were received, but in none of them was the damage from severe wind. The damage was done in a distance of less than half a mile and only a narrow path. The barn near the Underwood house had only a few boards torn from it. The first knowledge that the wind was unusually high was brought to Mr. Underwood when the door was blown in. He pushed a trunk against the door and sat on the trunk to prevent the performance being repeated. Suddenly the wind storm struck the house in all its fury and the next thing he remembered was finding himself under a pile of bricks and lumber. He extricated himself and says that the first thing that he thought of was his hat. He wandered around in a dazed condition for a short time looking for his had and then thought of his wife and children. He found them unhurt. Mr. Underwood never saw the top of the trunk again, but the body of the trunk was left in the debris. Although heavy articles were blown entirely way [sic], 2 quilts were taken from a bed and spread out as nicely on the grass as if laid there by human hands. So badly was the house wrecked that it was necessary to purchase new lumber with which to rebuild. The storm was described as a twister. It seemed to drop down, blow the house away and rise again. Natural Disasters Copyright © 2025, TXGenWeb. If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |