Grayson County TXGenWeb

Denison Daily Cresset
Wednesday, November 3, 1875
pg. 1

Ed. Morre, stock of furniture and block of buildings, including St. Cloud Hotel
A. Young, landlord St. Cloud, furniture and fixtures
Singer Sewing Machine Company, stock
R.L. Bullock house
John Logdson, livery stable
J.D. McCamant, commission merchant
S. Hare, block frame buildings
J. Bledsoe, frame building
Hare, Bledsoe & Head, law library and valuable papers
Dickerman & Crooks, Courier office and building
Dr. Wilson, library, instruments and wardrobe
Dr. Kennedy, library
S. Whitted, several buildings
Back & Hare, groceries
Wm. Heebe, restaurant
Mrs. L. Nason, milliner
J.C. Cole, fruit dealer
John Dorchester, frame building
B. Ford, meat market
C. Jackson, building and groceries
Patriot Printing Co., building and material
Dr. Saunders, office and library
Col. Gregg, papers and library
B. Jones, tailor
---- Cunningham, household goods
J.B. Sherrard, frame building
Woods, Fears & Wilkerson, law office
Jno. Fenet, frame building
Andrews, Moore & Co., merchandise
Tom Richards, brick building
Steedman & Denton, law library
Martin & James, Register office
Mrs. C.C. Galloway, several frame houses
L.J. Martin, hotel furniture and stock of groceries
T.J. Newcome and W.E. Tarr's estate, brick building
Masonic Lodge, furniture and records
Cullers & Henry, groceries and confectioneries
Eubank & Co., stock of groceries and building
J.J. Eubank, dwelling and furniture
Geo. Williams, dwelling house
L. Pandres, tobacco and cigars
J. Brenner, restaurant
S.R. Caruthers, groceries and building
Buchannan, barber shop
L. Bournstein, stock of goods
E. Hearnstead, brick building
R.G. Hall & Son, stock of merchandise
Hall & Chapman, brick building
G.C. Dugan, brick building
M.M. Bond & Co., groceries
Fitch & Loving, brick building, damanged
M. Singer & Co., dry goods
J.W. Levy, building and stock damanged
J.F. Stinnett, brick building
Knights of Pythias, furniture and records
G.F. Lindsay, stock of saddlery and building
French restaurant
Henry & Andrews, frame buildings
F.W. Sumner, fine two-story block, fine stock of jewelry and postoffice
S.B. Wright, newsdealer
H.C. Holcome & Co., confectioners
Crisp, dwelling house
Bradbury & Crisp, warehouse & drugs
M. Schneider & Bro., warehouse burned and brick store damaged
A.B. Moore, storehouse and stock of dry goods
Mrs. B. Moore and children, several buildings
Steadman, groceries
Anderson, groceries
Batsell, livery stable
-- E. Bond, building
Brooke & Lamb, saddlery
John Brooke, houses & drugs
G.F. Severon, photograph gallery
J.G. Owens, building

Man-Made Disaster

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