Denison Daily News
Saturday, October 19, 1878 pg 2 BIG BLAZE Destruction of the Refrigerator Works. The refrigerator works were destroyed by fire yesterday forenoon. Mr. Harry Johnson, who lives on Houston avenue, was the first to discover the fire, which originated in what is known as the "new cooler," and is supposed to have been the work of incendiarism. Mr. Johnson informs our reporter that when he first opened the door of the cooler, he discovered the floor saturated with oil. The fire made rapid progress, and in a few moments' time the entire building was wrapped in flames. The fire alarm was sounded and the fire department was promptly on the ground, rendering valuable service in saving a building in close proximity to the refrigerator works. The building was one of the old land marks at Denison, having been erected in 1873 by the Texas and Atlantic Refrigerator Company at the cost of probably twenty thousand dollars. Mr. J. R. Barrett, of Sedalia, is the present owner. The building is said to have been insured for the sum of eight thousand dollars. SPARKS FROM THE FIRE Mr. Emery, the cotton gin man, viewed the fire from behind an umbrella. Banjo Murphy performed efficient service at the fire and was one of the last to leave. A boy viewing the fire from the top of a cattle shute, fell on the ground injuring himself severely. Some one stated the report that the boilers in the refrigerator works were filled with water and liable to explode. A general stampede took place in consequence. Tobias Porter was the hero of the fire. The heat was so intense that the firemen had to resort to throwing water on each other to prevent having the hands and faces blistered. The following gentlemen deserve special notice for the efficient service rendered in saving the building near the refrigerator works from destruction by the fire: Phil Ledrick, chief of fire department; M. Yawman, foreman of hose company; Ed. Pollard, Joe Quinn, Max Grundstein, Harry Johnson, Tobias Porter, Mr. Sowles and one or two other gentlemen, whose names are not known to the writer. It was at first reported that the compress was on fire, which caused great excitement. Man-Made Disasters Copyright © 2025, TXGenWeb. If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |