Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Whitewright Sun
Friday, November 12, 1915

Whitesboro, Texas, Nov. 7 -  Two 2-story brick business houses belonging to F.G. Jamison were completely destroyed by fire at an early hour this morning.  Their value was $8,000, mostly covered by insurance.
The North Texas Telephone Company occupied the upper floor of one, their entire outfit being destroyed at a loss of about $1,200, insurance about 80%.  The Majestic Theater, owned by G.S. Summers occupied the lower floor of this establishment, loss complete, amounting to $3,000; insurance, $1,500.
Jake Fisher, an attorney, had the upper floor of the next building as his office; his library and office furniture was burned, at a loss of $1,200; insurance, $580.  A restaurant owned by Ora Fox was on the lower floor, and this was ruined by fire and water; lost, $600; no insurance.
Whitesboro his now without telephone service, but men and material are expected, so that service can be resumed in 2 or 3 days.
Mr. Harmon, wife and baby and Miss Maud Anderson, telephone operators, who had rooms in the telphone building, barely escaped with their lives.  They lost all furniture, clothing, etc.


Man-Made Disasters

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