Grayson County TXGenWeb

Sherman Daily Register
Monday, March 28, 1887

A Disastrous Conflagration at Whitesboro

Yesterday morninb about 6 o'clock a fire originated in Mayfield's grocery store, one door from the city bank of Whitesboro, and fanned by the fierce gale which was raging at the time, it soon spread, until six buildings and nearly all the contents were destroyed.
The following are the losses:
Walker & Viars, building valued at $800; insurance $500
W.W. Gray, stock $1,500, loss about $800, insurance $600
C.C. Clemons, building valued at $500, no insurance
J.C. Glenn, stock $1,200, loss $500, insurance $800
S.D. Hall, building $600, insurance $400
F.M. Stannsberry, butcher's tools and meat $400, insurance $200
J. Mayfield, building $300, stock $2,200 (was living in store), household goods $300, total insurance $1,050
W.E. Hopkins, building $400, stock $600 (was living in store), household goods $300, insurance $675
Charles Slavis, building $350, insurance $180
Harroldson Bros., stock $1200, insurance $600

Mayfield & Hopkins sustained total loss.  All others saved some goods, though it is impossible to form any correct estimate of the actual loss. The buildings were all old wooden structures and very dangerous, and were it not for the losses of the owners every one would be glad of the fire.


Man-Made Disasters

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