Grayson County TXGenWeb

Beall's Department Store

Heritage Park, 300 block West Main Street, Denison

The park was created after Beall’s Department Store, Denison Optical Center, and the old Kingston Drug Store burned on December 23, 1989. Fire departments in Sherman, Pottsboro, Howe, Anna, Van Alstyne, Colbert, and Whitewright were called in to assist with the fire. An 18-year veteran of the Denison Fire Department, T.O. Fulce, was killed fighting the blaze in freezing temperatures. This was the first fireman killed in Denison since the turn of the century. The family sued the Beall’s owners.

Talmadge (T. O.) Fulce
DHS Cass of 1964
Photo by Jenkins Studio
Courtesy of Talina Fulce-Carver

Man-Made Disasters

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