Grayson County TXGenWeb


The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, January 15, 1893
pg. 1

Sunday night between one and two o'clock fire destroyed two valuable business houses together with a large amount of merchandise, office furniture, books, papers, etc. in Sherman.  Following are the principal losers together with the insurance:
Jos. Linz, loss on building, $25,000; insurance $14,000
W.C. Jones & Co., loss on stock, $30,000; insurance $17,000
Burnett-Amsley Jewelry Company, loss on stock cannot be computed, but most of the valuable jewels were in the safe and uninsured.  There is an insurance policy of $8,000 on that part of the stock which had to be moved.
E.C. Chambers, dental parlors, loss on stock and fixtures, $6,000, of this $500  is the loss of Johnson & Lund of Philadelphia, a consignment of teeth; insurance about $3,500
J. Finley, loss on law library, $3,000, no insurance
Byers Bros., land office; loss on fixtures, $1,000; no insurance
J.F. Crowe, law office; loss on library and fixtures, $1,000; no insurance
J.F. Wyrick, real estate and insurance office; loss about $1,000; no insurance
J.K. Jameson, law office; loss on books and papers, $600; insurance $400
J.C. Edmonds, law office; loss on books and papers, $500; no insurance
Wood & Mayfield, law office; loss on library, paper, etc., $2,200; insurance $1,000
Kimberlin Cattle Company, loss on office fixtures, $300; no insurance
J.F. Holt, loss on books and papers in law office, $500; fully insured
John F. Evans land office, loss on fixtures, $250; no insurance
Miss Mary Daniel, dressmaking establishment; loss on fixtures and patrons' goods, in the neighborhood of $800; no insurance.

Man Made Disasters

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