Typed as spelled and written -
Lena Stone Criswell

Sixty-Second Year - (Number missing)
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, December 19, 1962


Dear Santa:
       I am a little girl 3 years old.  I have been a real good little girl, so please bring me a little white horse and a truck and bring my little sister, a baby doll, and bring all the little children something.
       I live at 1206 Sewanee, Marlin, Texas.
       My name is Natalie Norris.

Dear Santa:
       I want a cocker spaniel for Christmas or any kind of puppy.
       With lots of love,
             Ava Dickins
       P.S. Please don't forget the puppy.

Dear Santa Claus:
       I want a blue Barbie doll case, please.  And a blue surry buggy, please.
             Janet Torgerson.

Dear Santa Claus:
       I want a Biocraft set.  I have been a good boy.  I have been making good grades at school.
             Mario Scamardo

Dear Santa:
       My dog wants some socks for Christmas.
             Randy Shaunfield
       Rt. 1, Box 81, Reagan, Texas

Dear Santa:
       I would like for you to send all the unfortunate boys and girls a Christmas gift first.  If you have enough left, I would like a bicycle. Thank you.
             Annie Marie Huff.
             Age 9, 3rd Grade
             Route 2, Box 92, Marlin
       c/o  Arthur Hunnicutt

Dear Santa Claus:
       I have been a good boy.  I want a football and a football helmet and boots.  Remember the other children.
       From: Dean Lessman
             Route 1, Marlin, Texas

Dear Santa:
       Would you please bring my baby sister a baby doll, red velvet shoes with fur, one pink dress, bonnet, snow cone man and baby ring.
       And I will give you some milk and cookies.
             Jenny Barganier

Santa Claus:
       Please bring me a gun, football suit, football and helmet.
       Santa my little brother's name is Troy Burnett, please bring him some toys.  My sister is old enough to write her own letter.  Santa I will have cookies and milk on the table, please have some.
             Jay Burnett

Dear Santa Claus:
       I want a Rock-a-bye, please.  And I want a disk, please.
             Carolyn Torgerson
             Age 9

Dear Santa:
       I am 8 years old and in the third grade.  I am not so fat but kind of thin.
       Will you please bring me a bicycle and basketball goal, and bring all the other little children who won't get any presents, something.
       Thank you.  Yours truly,
             Curtis Weatherspoon.
             Rt. 2, Box 39, Kosse, Texas.

Dear Santa:
       I want a dog, train, truck, and somebody to play with while my sister and brother are at school.  I have a new cousin, her name is Joni, please bring her a cosmetic kit.
       Goodbye till Christmas.
             Troy Burnett.

Dear Santa:
       I am in the first grade at school.  I hope you bring me a watch and a Ben Casey set, but most of all Santa, I wish "Peace on earth, good will toward men."
             Your little friend.
             Gary Taylor Parsons

Dear Santa:
       My name is Carlene and I'm 5 years old.  I live at 909 Potomac.  I've been a good little girl.
       I want a marble game, a doll stroller, swing for doll, dishes and pans, cake set.
       Thank you.  My brother will write after he gets from school.

Dear Santa Claus:
       My name is Terry Duane Nutt.  Because I am only 5 years old my Mommie is writing for me, but I am telling her what to write.
       I have been a pretty good boy this past year, so I would like for you to bring me these things:
       I want a pickup truck, diggin' tractor, billfold with money, trailer, car, record player, bunk beds and that's all.  Oh, yes, you could add a firetruck.
       Don't forget all the poor boys and girls, my brother Larry Dale and Mommie and Daddy.
       See you soon, Santa.  Be careful.
             Terry Duane Nutt
             Rt. 2, Box 145, Marlin, Texas.

Dear Santa Claus:
       I am 8 years old.  I hope you can visit Marlin so all the boys and girls can see you.  I want a BB gun, football suit and my two front teeth.
       Your friend,
             Bob Kuretsch
             Route 2, Otto, Texas.

Dear Santa Claus:
       I want a pair of guns, and that is all.  I am 7 years old.  You may not believe it, but I am small for my age.  Also don't forget the little children who do not have Christmas.
             Randy Scheef
             I live at 436 Capps Street
             Marlin, Texas.

Copyright permission granted to Therea Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas