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Submitted by:

Kay Cunningham

Schools' Honor Roll

     The following list of teachers, administrators and other school personnel comprises an honor roll. Some are more honored in the minds and hearts of students and former students than others, because of close contacts one with another and incidents in their lives. Every student holds pleasant memories of teachers because of daily exchanges of confidence for shorter and longer periods.

     Some years ago, a teacher, admitting her role is sometimes disheartening, but on the whole rewarding, said in words to the effect: "I've received acclaim and a due share of Criticism and reproof, but faith sustains me. I am chosen by the Creator to look after young minds, some beginning life's adventure, some nearing manhood and womanhood. He has placed them in my care to teach them to think clearly, to understand what life's about. How can I impress upon them that they can find life beautiful at all times, if they'll be gentle, kind and helpful to others? If I am to teach them, I must have love in my heart and soul. With faith in my responsibilities and satisfaction in being a teacher, my soul is exalted and I strive to be worthy of the Creators will and trust."

     The list herewith was prepared from sundry sources - minutes of the board of education, newspapers and memories of a lot of people. Both maiden and married names of teachers, accounting for repetitions, appear because some will remember one name and some the other. Married names of teachers not identified with the school after marriage do not appear. Apologies are expressed for inevitable errors and omissions.


Abercombie, _____                                                                                                

Adam’s, Miss Della                                                                                     

Allen, Miss Carrie                                                                                        

Allen, Ernest L.                                                                                             

Allen, Mrs. George                                                                                       

Allen, Miss Octavia                                                                                      

Allen, Miss Pauline                                                                                                                                      

Allen, Velma                                                                                                  

Allen, Mrs. Walter H.                                                                                    

Allison, Miss Charlsie Maria                                                           

Amick, Arthur F., Jr.                                                                                     

Amsley, Miss Rosamond                                                                            

Andrews, Miss Lena                                                                                                                        

Andrews, Miss Rosamond                                                                          

Arnold, E. C.                                                                                                 

Ash, Miss Sara Louise                                                                                

Askew, Margaret                                                                                          


Baker, Miss Ethel                                                                                         

Ballew, Miss Glenn D.                                                                                 

Barclay, Miss Lillian                                                                                     

Barnes, B. H.                                                                                                

Barnett, Miss Jo Jerriene                                                                            

Barnett, Mrs. Raymond                                                                                

Bartlett, Miss Madeline                                                                                                                                            

Bartlett, Miss Mamie (Mary)

Bartlett, Miss Ozella

Bartlett, Miss Sarah                                                                                                             

Bates, Mrs._____

Beale, Miss Anna

Beard, Mrs. Robert

Bedford, Miss _____

Bell, Edwin

Bell, Miss Martha T.

Berry, Miss Merry

Betts, Wilson T.

Blair, J. W.

Blank, Mrs. Eleanor

Bloodworth, Miss Grace 

Blow, Miss Birdie

Blow, Miss Pearl

Board, Miss Imogene

Boles, C. E.

Boone, Miss Evelyne

Boving, C. V.

Bowdon, Mrs. W. S. (Mildred)

Bowers, Miss Bessie

Bradshaw, Mrs. M. V., Jr.

Branson, Miss Lalla

Brown, Miss Cherry May

Brown, Mrs. Irene

Brown, Miss Mary

Brunson, _____

Buck, Miss Mable

Burke, Mrs. Peyton

Burks, J. L.

Burrows, R. N.

Burton, Mrs. Louise Goodrich

Bynum, Miss Nettie


Cain, Dr. G. W.

Caldwell, Don S.

Caldwell, Mrs. Don S.

Caldwell, M. L.

Campbell, _____

Carter, Miss Frances

Carver, Mrs. A. B. (Ella G.)

Carver, Miss Frances

Chatmas, Mrs. J. C., Jr.

Chilton, Miss Pauline

Clements, Miss Lilla Lee

Cloys, M. F.

Cochran, Carl M.

Cochran, Mrs. Carl M.

Cogdell, Miss Consuella

Coldwell, Clifford M.

Compere, Miss Clara

Cook, Harvey C.

Cooksey, Miss Kittie M.

Cooksey, Miss Vera

Cooper, Mrs. Pauline

Cooper, _____

Cottingham, Miss Elizabeth Lee

Cox, Mrs. G. L.

Craig, Miss Hazen

Crenshaw, Miss Patricia

Criswell, Mrs. Herschel (Odessa)

Criswell, Mrs. J. C.

Crites, Mrs. Wesley

Crowley, Clem N.

Crowley, Mrs. Clem N.

Cummings, Miss Helen

Curling, E. V.

Curry, Mrs. Irby R.

Curry, Miss Myrtle

Davis, Miss Lillian

Davis, _____

DeLaney, F. M.

Dobie, Miss Fannie

Doree, Miss Hallie

Doughty, W. F.

Douglas, Miss Mary C.

Dowis, Miss Faye

Drennan, Miss Harriet

Duncan, Russell W.

Dunkum, J. A.

Dunlap, Mrs. A. C. (Lela)

Dupuy, Miss Katherine

Dyer, Miss Texanna

Easter, Miss _____

Eddins, Mrs. Bernice J.

Eddins, Miss Hattie

Eddins, Miss Nancy

Edge, Arthur

Eikel, Miss Lynn

Elam, Miss Una

Eldridge, Miss Dorothy

Ernst, Miss Alma

Ernst, Anton

Erskine, Mrs. Betsy M.

Evans, Mrs. Alyce C.

Evans, Herman L.

Fain, Miss _____

Falconer, Miss Roberta

Falsone, Robert

Farris, Thomas E. (Buddy)

Favre, Miss Abbie

Fergerson, A. C.

Ferguson, Miss Juanita

Finks, Miss Miriam

Fischer, Mrs. Velma

Fisher, Mrs. S. M.

Forbes, Miss Frances

Forbes, Miss Roberta

Foster, Mrs. D. K. (Maydelle)

Fountain, Miss Leah

Fountain, Miss Lula Lee

Frank, Miss Mildred (Millie)

Freeman, Miss Allene

Fuchs, Mrs. George

Fuller, Miss Jimpsie Kate

Fullinwider, Miss Elizabeth

Gardner, Mrs. Tennie L.

Garlin, R. E.

Garrett, Mrs. E. G., Jr. (Velma)

Garrett, Mrs. Ruth Ann

Gary, Miss Corine

Gillespie, Miss Bessie

Glass, Miss Alma

Glass, Mrs. Cecil R. (Mary Morgan)

Goldsmith, Marvin Ray

Gourdean, O. C.

Grant, Miss Ruth Ann

Gray, Mrs. Margaret A.

Gray, Sam

Gray, Mrs. Sam

Gresham, Mrs._____

Griffin, Almeda

Griffin, E. L. (Fess)

Grizzard, Mrs. Nellie

Guderian, Mrs. Melton (Odessa)

Guthrie, J. H.

Hackel, Mrs. Louie

Hackel, Mrs. Martell Hunt

Hackel, Miss Valera

Hackett, Miss Bessie

Hackett, Miss Sallie

Haigler, J. M.

Hailey, Miss Hattie

Hair, Miss Myrtle

Hall, E. I.

Hannaman, Miss Lillian

Hardcastle, Mrs. J. T.

Harp, (or Harper), Lincoln

Harper, Miss Barbara

Harper, Malcolm H.

Harper, Robert

Harrell, Boston

Harris, B. B.

Harris, Mrs. B. B.

Harris, Miss Mary

Harrison, Miss Helen

Hartman, Miss Margaret

Hartman, O. H.

Hartman, Mrs. O. H.

Hawley, Mrs. Betty S.

Heard, Miss Ruth

Henderson, Miss Minnie

Hester, Miss Audrey

Hickman, Miss Jessie

Higgins, Miss Cassie

Higgins, Miss Eunice

Higgins, Miss Lula

Hipps, Mrs. Mabel

Hobby, W. L.

Hodge, Mrs. Ethel B.

Hodges, Miss Ethel Lucile

Hodges, Miss Margaret

Hodges, Miss Mary Dodge

Holder, Miss Dorothy

Holland, W. A.

Holloway, Robert A.

Holt (or Hold), Clifton

Honeycutt, T. J.

Houston, Miss Winnie

Howard, Miss Dell

Hunnicutt, Miss Lola

Hunt, Miss Cecile

Hunt, Miss Irene

Hunt, Miss Martell

Hutchins, Miss Bertha

Ingram, Miss _____

Jackson, Miss Bessie

Janes (or Jones), Frank

Jarrell, Miss Katherine

Jarvis, Miss Elfin

Jarvis, J. W.

Jones, Miss Ethel

Jones (or Janes), Frank

Jones, Miss Ruby May

Jones, Miss Winnie D.

Johnson, _____

Johnson, Miss Ruth M.

Josey, Miss Julia

Kay, Miss _____

Kayser, Miss Dorothy

Kee, Miss Harriett

Kellan, Miss Estelle

Keeling, Miss Ottie

Keeling, Miss Zenith E.

Keitt, Miss Artemae

Kellog, Miss Ruth

Kendrick, Mrs. B. B. (Hallie Byrd)

Kennedy, Miss Mary

King, James E.

King, Miss LaVerne

Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Elizabeth

Kirkpatrick, Mrs. James S. (Jim)

Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Mary H.

Kirkpatrick, Mrs. T. K.

Knickerbocker, Miss Louise

Lancaster, Miss Louise

Lane, Leon

Langford, Miss Nellie

Langrand, Miss Dorothy

Lantrip, Miss Dora

Lattimore, Shivers

Laudermilk, B. A.

Laurence, Ernie L.

Ledford, Denton

Leeright, Miss Frieda

Leslie, Marie

Ligon, Mrs. Helen W.

Liles, Miss Floye

Linthicum, Miss Julia

Littrell, P. A.

Lochridge, Miss Martha Katherine

Loggins, V. G.

Luker, Mrs. Valera (Hackel)

Lumkin, George Enos

Madole, Bettie

Madole, Miss Rose Mae

Marek, Miss Lillian

Marshall, Miss Christine

Martin, Miss Ida

Matthews, Mrs. Lee

Mathews, Mrs. M. H.

Mayhew, Dewey A.

Mays, A. B.

McClain, Miss Ella May

McDavid, _____

McDavid, Nelwyn

McDonald, Bryant E.

McGregor, Mrs. Joel I. (Emily)

McIlhany, H. J.

McKinley, Miss Lillie Mae

McKnight, Miss Leron

McKnight, Miss Susie

McManus, Miss Alma (Ernst)

Medone, Miss Lucy

Melton, J. V.

Merritt, W. L.

Milam, Mrs. Beulah

Milsap, Miss _____

Mitchell, Miss Lois

Montgomery, Miss Annie

Moore, D. S.

Moore, James E.

Morgan, Miss Fannie

Morris, T. K.

Murrell, O. J.

Musick, J. Herman

Myers, Celectia

Nettles, Miss Eva

Nettles, Miss Madge

Newton, Mrs. Tyre

Nichols, R. F.

Norman, Walter D.

Norwood, Miss Lillie May

O’Conner, Miss Margaret

Oltorf, Mrs. James B. (Lena D.)

Otis, Miss May

Owens, Miss Sarah

Pace, Miss Bessie

Pace, E. M.

Parmer, Miss Grace

Parrish, Mrs. Bill (Leah F.)

Parrish, Mrs. L. M.

Patton, _____

Pauling, Fred W.

Paulk, Robert

Payne, Miss Maude

Payne, T. H.

Peacock, Mrs. Frank, Jr. (Juanita F.)

Peebles, Miss Mabel

Perkins, W. B.

Peterson, Mrs. Mildred

Peyton, Miss Agnes

Peyton, Miss Carolyn

Peyton, Miss Louise

Peyton, Miss Mary

Peyton, Miss Richie

Phillips, Mrs. Lee

Plott, Miss Claudia

Porter, Miss Mamie

Powell, Miss Ethel

Powell, Miss Mary

Price, Mrs. Lorence

Pringle, Miss Fannie

Pringle, Miss Jeffie

Reagan, W. R.

Reid, Bryce

Reid, Mrs. Bryce

Richardson, Miss Margaret

Robbins, Miss Ruth

Roberts, Mrs. Boone (May Belle)

Roberts, Miss Edith

Robertson, Mrs. H. H. (Allene F.)

Robertson, Mrs. Lois Rose

Robertson, Miss Madeline

Robertson, Mrs. Rupert

Robertson, Miss Willie

Robinson, Miss Betty Rose

Robinson, Miss Mary Frances

Roddy, Gary H.

Rogers, Miss Lucile

Rogers, Miss Ruth

Rosson, Miss Susan C.

Ruble, Miss Tennie

Rush, Miss Dimple

Rush, Miss Sallie Burke

Russell, Miss Lou

Russell, Miss Lucy

Sadler, R. B.

Sanders, Miss Minnie

Sanson, E. C.

Scarborough, Miss Dorothy

Schwab, Miss Lucy

Scruggs, Miss Addie

Sebesta, Mrs. Albert L.

Sehon, Mrs. Elizabeth Bartlett

Sellers, Miss Ada

Shelton, William

Shelton, Miss Willie Mae

Sisk, B. F.

Smith, Mrs. Ernest W.

Smith, Miss Hattie

Smith, Miss Lucy

Smith, Miss Mary Catherine

Smith, Miss Mary L.

Smith, Miss Mattie C.

Smith, T. V.

Smith, Mrs. Walter S., Jr.

Somervell, Miss Harriett

Spencer, Forrest H. (Hal)

Spencer, Mrs. Forrest H. (Maudelle)

Spencer, Miss Mary Catherine

Spivey, Miss Alice Gillespie

Springfield, Mrs. Wyche (Ella May)

Stafford, Dale M.

Stafford, Mrs. Dale M.

Stallworth, Harry B., Jr.

Stallworth, Mrs. Harry B., Jr.

Stallworth, Mrs. Harry B., Sr. (Bessie)

Stapleton, Miss Helen

Starling, Miss Rachel

Starnes, H. J.

Stilley, Miss Sara Lee

Stockton, Mrs. N. E.

Stovers, Miss Lillian

Swan, Josephine

Tate, A. M.

Tate, Mrs. A.  (Louise)

Taylor, Mrs. Frances D.

Taylor, Mrs. Ruth G.

Taylor, Mrs. T. D.

Thaxton, Miss Mary Louise

Thomas, C. R.

Thomas, Miss Maud

Thomas, R. E.

Thompson, John Hart

Tilley, Miss Eunice

Tipton, Miss Doty

Toone, Miss Nona

Torbett, Miss Drusha

Torgerson, Mrs. Henry T. (Ruth Ann)

Triplett, Mrs. Silas

Truitt, Mary

Turner, Mrs. Edythe H.

Turner, Miss Ella

Vance, Miss Bettie Jean

VanPelt, Mrs. Paul H.

Vickery, Miss Gwinalyne

Walker, E. E. (Flash)

Walker, Miss Gladys

Ward, Miss Louise

Washington, Mrs. K. D.

Watkins, Miss Hortense

Watkins, Miss Nettie

Weathers, G. B. (Cop)

Weedon, Miss Edna

Welch, Miss Adibel

Welch, Miss Juanita

Wells, Miss Edna R.

Whatley, Mrs. Calvin C.

White, Glendeen

White, Miss Lila

Whitten, Miss Maxine

Willett, Miss Beulah

Williams, Mrs. Henry (Alma)

Williams, Mrs. J. W., Jr. (Blanche)

Williford, Sam D.

Wilson, Miss Eleanor

Wilson, Miss Frances Louise

Wilson, J. M.

Wilson, Mrs. J. M. (Lucile R.)

Winfrey, Miss Katie

Wood, Miss Harriett

Wood, Miss Lela

Wright, Miss Juliette

Zively, Miss Permelia