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Submitted by:

Kay Cunningham

Schools' Honor Roll

     The following list of teachers, administrators and other school personnel comprises an honor roll. Some are more honored in the minds and hearts of students and former students than others, because of close contacts one with another and incidents in their lives. Every student holds pleasant memories of teachers because of daily exchanges of confidence for shorter and longer periods.

     Some years ago, a teacher, admitting her role is sometimes disheartening, but on the whole rewarding, said in words to the effect: "I've received acclaim and a due share of Criticism and reproof, but faith sustains me. I am chosen by the Creator to look after young minds, some beginning life's adventure, some nearing manhood and womanhood. He has placed them in my care to teach them to think clearly, to understand what life's about. How can I impress upon them that they can find life beautiful at all times, if they'll be gentle, kind and helpful to others? If I am to teach them, I must have love in my heart and soul. With faith in my responsibilities and satisfaction in being a teacher, my soul is exalted and I strive to be worthy of the Creators will and trust."

     The list herewith was prepared from sundry sources - minutes of the board of education, newspapers and memories of a lot of people. Both maiden and married names of teachers, accounting for repetitions, appear because some will remember one name and some the other. Married names of teachers not identified with the school after marriage do not appear. Apologies are expressed for inevitable errors and omissions.


Bunch, Miss Mable

Chapman, Mrs. Loyd M. (Dixie)

Chatmas, Miss Evangeline

Eikel, Miss Bennie

Freeman, Miss Allene

Glass, Mrs. Mary Morgan

Jones, Miss Ruby May

Lochridge, Miss Martha Katherine

Nettles, Miss Madge

Oltorf, Miss Rosalis