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Lindsay Hale Boyd.

Submitted by: Kay Cunningham


     Previous to organization of Marlin Ex-Students Association in 1949, school home comings were sponsored and carried through by the faculty and students. Since organization, the Association has joined in assisting them in details.


     At the home coming of 1949, when a proposal that a former students organization be effected, it met with wide approval. The Association's first secretary, Mrs. W. S. (Mildred Peter- son) Bowdon, reported in words to the effect: "On November 11, 1949, baldness, bifocals, bridges and bulges gave mute testimony of the ravages of time-in noticeable contrast were teenagers with bangs, blue jeans and bobby sox-" all "planned the home coming." Seriousness was noticeable, too -in words of loyalty to Alma Mater and expressions of admiration for the schools and eager, intelligent pupils and students.


     At the home coming (1949), Dr. Walter S. Smith, acting as temporary chairman, called a meeting at which he stated the purpose was to organize a former students' association for promoting more effective support of the schools, cementing friendships of school days and encouraging the boys and girls of the community. The association was promptly organized and named "Marlin Ex-Students Association." The first officers were Roy Eddins, president; Mrs. Seawillow (Johnson) King, vice-president; Mrs. Mildred (Peterson) Bowdon, secretary; Albert H. Peterson, treasurer; and George S. Buchanan, publicity chairman. Selected to prepare a draft of a constitution and by-laws of the Association were Sam Dollahite, Mrs. Walton (Mary Frances Robinson) Jones and Dr. Smith. At the home coming of the following year, November 16, 1950, the instrument was presented by Mr. Dollahite and unanimously adopted.


     In cooperation with the school faculty and students a program of activities was arranged along lines of former home coming programs. At the first home coming (1950), Dr. A. C. Ferguson of Commerce, Texas, former superintendent of the schools, was principal speaker. Music also featured the gathering, at which Fred Pauling, high school principal who had been elected vice-president of the Association a few hours previously, presided.


     The Association has held home coming meetings each year annually except in 1952, the Association having voted to meet every two years, a vote that was rescinded after failure to meet one year.


     At the 1957 meeting, Albert L. (Dutch) Sebesta, president suggested two closely related projects, (1) establishment of a permanent school archives and (2) preparing, preferably in a book, a catalogue and history of the schools. Both projects were adopted and Judge John C. Patterson was appointed chairman of the archives committee and Roy Eddins, historical editor.


     Officers of the Association have been: Presidents: Roy Eddins; Mrs. Nettie (Falconer) Allen; Mrs. Una (Pringle) Llewellyn, who resigned soon after election; Mrs. Henry D. (Octavia Allen) Rush; Dr. Walter S. Smith; Mrs. Hillie Hart (Johnson) Thompson; Albert L. Sebesta; Garland Barton; Mrs. Kenneth (Mary Ann Peevey) Garrett; and encumbent (1960), Dr. Frank McKinley.


     Vice-Presidents: Mrs. Seawillow (Johnson) King; Miss Agnes Peyton; Fred Pauling; Tom Craven; o. E. Curry; Sam Dollahite; Wallace Dreyer; John Chatmas, II; Mrs. Charles H. (Fan Read Buie) Cornwell; Mrs. Walton (Mary Frances Robinson) Jones; Garland Barton; Mrs. T. B. (Bessie Harlan) Bartlett, Sr.; Mrs. Kenneth (Mary Ann Peevey) Garrett; Ray Allen; John Dickens and Mrs. Robert G. (June Houston) Davison.


     Secretaries: Mrs. Mildred (Peterson) Bowdon; Mrs. Elizabeth (Fullinwider) Kirkpatrick; Mrs. Guy (Velma Barganier) Garrett, Jr.; Miss Mary Catherine Smith; Mrs. Boone (Maybelle Barton) Roberts; Mrs. Walton (Mary Frances Robinson) Jones; and Walter H. Allen.


     Treasurers: Albert H. Peterson; Louie Oltorf; Aaron McKnight; Judge John C. Patterson; George Wilson; Billy Steele; and James Glockzin.


     Officers for 1959-60 were: Dr. Frank McKinley, Jr., president; John Dickens and Mrs. Robert G. (June Houston) Davison, vice-presidents; Walter H. Allen, secretary; and James Glockzin, treasurer.



     Because publication of this book began early in 1961 and it was possible to include names of the 1960-61 officers and directors, who were responsible for its publication, they are (were): Tom Gallaher, president; George Stallworth and Miss Roberta Falconer, vice-presidents; James Glockzin, treasurer; Walter H. Allen, secretary; and Albert L. (Dutch) Sebesta, Grady Hutchings, Sr., Thomas Black, J. C. Chatmas, Jr., T. J. Honeycutt, Dr. Frank McKinley, Jr., Mrs. Cullen J. (Doris Davison) Rogers, David Hicks, Mrs. Robert G. (Katherine Landrum) Carter, Mrs. Henry (Marjorie Rogers) Church, Buford Finley and Mrs. Guy Garrett, Jr.