Submitted by:

Kay Cunningham


NOTE: Apologies are made for mistakes and/or omissions in the following list of graduates.

There were no graduates prior to 1892.


Barnett, LaVonne

Brack, Albert

Breed, Ava Gene

Brezina, Paul

Brothers, Billy

Bull, Clifford

Chatham, Billy Jeff

Childs, Patsey

Crites, Valle

Denton, Jack

Drews, Verneta

Eakin, Joe

Evans, Betty Lou

Glass, Mary Morgan

Haak, Garland

Hammonds, George

Hardison, Nelda

Harless, Dixie

Harper, Cecil

Haug, Dorothy

Herbert, Virginia

Herwald, Ruby

Huseby, Wayne

Kindred, Charles

Kujawa, Clemens

Kujawa, Helen

Lamson, Louise

Lange, Eileen

Lessman, Verna

Logan, Wayne

McCaleb, Charlcie

Mitchell, Cleone

Morgan, Virginia

Mulsow, Evelyn

Pagach, Helen

Patke, Vernelle

Pauling, James

Peterson, Foree

Peterson, Thomas

Priest, Robin

Radford, LeeRoy

Radle, Doris

Reagan, Richard

Reese, Mary Lee

Rentfro, John

Scheef, Mary Lou

Shook, Clell

Smith, Christine

Smitherman, Billy

Stewart, Bill

Strange, Carol

Tacker, Cleo

Thompson, James

Ward, June

Watkins, G. L.

Wilkey, James

Williamson, Myrtle

Willings, Barbara

Winzer, Jack

Woychesin, Elizabeth