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Lindsay Hale Boyd.


Submitted by:

Kay Cunningham


NOTE: Apologies are made for mistakes and/or omissions in the following list of graduates.

There were no graduates prior to 1892.


Allen, Lee Ernest

Allen, Mary Louise

Brown, Trousdale Brashea

Burns, Charles Ernest

Case, Florence Gertrude

Collier, Julius Weaver

Curry, Arthur Emmett

Fishburn, Romona Rupert

Francks, Evelyn Rebecca

Freeman, Allene Elizabeth

Freeman, Irene

Furst, Joseph

Gilmore, Villa Laurette

Glass, Drayton Felix

Gordon, Edwin A. Jr.

Harter, William John

Horne, Katherine Elizabeth

Hunter, Julia Blake

Lebrecht, Annie Addie

Levy, Cecile Mildred

Levy, Lester Louis

McCoy, Mary Leota

Norwood, Daisy Inez

Oatis, Josephine Chloe

Pauling, Gertrude Ottilie

Phillips, Timmie

Sewall, Laura Ella

Smith, Loal Lillian

Tomlinson, Bessie Louise

Toone, Nona

Walker, Maurice Reta