Submitted by Robert L. Haddock

Note: This child's name was Josephine C. Stewart - b June 23, 1910  d June 13, 1911. rlh



Marlin Daily Democrat

Marlin, Falls County, Texas

June 20, 1911



Card Of Thanks:


     To the Democrat:


     We wish to express our many thanks, through your paper, to our dear friends in this community for the help, comfort, and consolation they were during our darling baby’s sickness and death. She was sick for more than two weeks; had that dreaded disease diptheria, together with other troubles and we can never find words to express our gratefulness to our neighbors and friends that we know sacrificed affairs to come and help and console us in this great hour of sorrow.


     May the Lord bless them is our prayer.


Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Stewart

Cego, Texas