Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham
The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, January 21, 1904
E. G. Bertrand Dead
After an
illness of Several months, E. G. Bertrand, of Missouri City, Texas, passed away
at the Rice-Allen Infirmary at one o'clock Tuesday morning.
Of realtives at teh bedside at teh time of his death were his wife and
brother-in-law Judge Taylor of Gatesville.
Deceased was brought to Marlin about ten days ago, in a precarious
conditions, his family having adopted this as a last resort to prolong his life.
Mr. Bertrand was 45 years of age and for fifteen years had been
superintendent of the Cunningham sugar plantation at Missouri City. He leaves a
wife and four children.
The remains will be conveyed to Gatesville, leaving Marlin at six o'clock
to-morrow morning. Interment in Gatesville cemetery at 2 o'clock in the
afternoon of the same day.
Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.