Typed as spelled and written - Lena Stone Criswell

Forty-First year - Number 84
Marlin, Texas, Friday Morning, April 10, 1931


Falls And Other Counties to be
Represented at Baylor College

Demonstration club women and their husbands and any other people interested in demonstration work are invited to Baylor College at Belton, April 23, for an all day meet with the club women of Milam, Williamson, Bell and Falls counties.  A special invitation is given to the county demonstration council.

A program of special interest to club women, including a tour of the campus, has been planned to begin at ten and end at four o'clock.  Lunch will be served at Hardy Hall Dining Room at thirty-five cents per plate; those desiring to have lunch there should notify Miss Onah Jacks, demonstration agent, not later than April 17.  Those who wish to bring lunch can get coffee and ice cream on the grounds.

It is hoped that many women of Falls county will take this opportunity of hearing Miss Mildred Horton, state demonstration agent, and Dr. J. C. Hardy, president of Baylor College. The program:

10:00-10:45 Alma Reeves Chapel, Students regular chapel exercise.

11:00-11:15 Presser Auditorium, formal instructions.

11:15-12:00 Welcome Address by Dr. J. C. Hardy, President of Baylor College.

12:00-l:00 Luncheon in Hardy Hall dining room.

1:00-2:30 Tour of Campus, Hardy Hall, Presser Hall, Wells Science Hall, Management House.

2:30-3:00 Presser Auditorium, Address by Miss Mildred Horton, state demonstration agent.

3:00-3:30 Native Plants for Gardens by Miss Lucille Capt, professor of biology.

3:30-4:00 Student Program, reading by Cynthia Sory, violin solo by Ruth Forey, accompanied by Edna Forey, Clogging by Ellen Easley and Maurine McClelland.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.