Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham

The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, October 28, 1914

Rosebud Has Mystery
Watchman Disappears From
Gin -- Reported Seen Seven
Miles From -- May
Be Demented.
(Rosebud News)

    Bryant Kethley, night watchman at Marek & son's gin, mysteriously disappeared between midnight and daylight Tuesday morning.
    E. J. Lavender, night watchman at the compress, was the last man to see Kethley.  This was about 1:30 o'clock Tuesday morning.
    Hearing steam escaping at the gin he went over and found Kethley sitting in front of the engine house asleep.  Kethley was aroused and cut off the fuel, and Lavender returned to the compress.
    Going back to the gin again abaout 4 o'clock he could find nothing of Kethley and no one has seen him since.
    Foul play is suspected, as the missing man was known to have had about seventy dollars on his person a short time before he disappeared, and had been company with a strange man.
    Searching parties were organized Wednesday.  The gin tanks were all dragged, a pair of bloody overalls were found under the freight depot Tuesday, in the pockets of which were six cents, but they did not belong to the missing man.

Seen North of Rosebud

    Rosebud, Texas, Oct. 23. -- Kethley is reported to have been seen seven miles north of town, and a party of citizens left here this afternoon to locate him.  It is now believed that he wandered off while in a demented condition.
Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.