Rosebud News

Elect Officers

At a regular meeting of the Rosebud Cemetery Association held Wednesday afternoon the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: President, Mrs. H. M. Cruse; vice president, Mrs. E. C. Parker; swcretary, Mrs. Earl Blasienz; treasurer, Mrs. O. J. McCoy; manager, Mrs. C. C. Morris.

Old Board Re-Elected

At the election held Saturday, May 1, to name four trustees for Rosebud independent district, the retiring trustees, H. C. Connally, E. A. Donaldson, C. C. Morris and R. G. Stillwell were re-elected.


Commissioner Tindel informs us that the commissioners' court will meet Saturday, May 15th, to canvass the returns of Tuesday's prohibition election. The law requires that the result be published in three illues of a weekly paper, which will throw the time for closing the saloons about June 5th to 10th.


The Daily Democrat, Wednesday May 12, 1915, page 5, column 5

Reprinted with permission, of The Marlin Democrat
Lois Cooper
P. O. Box 112
Marlin, Texas 76661