Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 29
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, August 31, 1907
Allie N. Easy Winner in 2:20 Trot
--Slight Mishap.

To The Democrat:
       Rosebud, Texas, Aug. 27.--The first day of the Rosebud fair was attended by a good crowd and enthusiasm is running high.  Wednesday and Thursday are the biggest days.
       The greatest interest centers around the races.  There are a good line of amusements.
       Much interest is manifested here in the big fair at Marlin next week and a large delegation will go over.
       The first day's races resulted as follows:

       First Race--Purse $100.  Hal Burton, time 1:04
       Second Race--Running five-eights. Purse $75.  Pocowano, time 1:05
       Third Race--3:00 trot, three in five, purse $100.  Ambor Medium, time 1:14.
       Fourth Race--Running Colts, Purse, $35.  Red Light, time 40 seconds.
       Fifth Race--Free for all trot, three in five, purse $125.  King Airy, time 1:10.


       Rosebud, Texas, Aug.28.--The second days racing was most exciting in some important respects and the betting was more lively than on the previous day.
       In the 2:20 trot Allie N, owned by F. S. Heffner of Marlin, was an easy winner with several lengths to spare.
       Allie sometimes loses her head but behaved very nicely today. She won 3 out of 5 in 3 successive heats.  Black Slipper, one of her opponents, seemed to have been the favorite and those who bet on the Marlin horse won heavily, in some cases 6 to 1.
       In the third, free for all, Train Time, a pacer owned by Robt. Bowie of Beaumont and driven by Reed, ran into the fence, broke the cart and threw its occupant out.  No one was hurt, but the crowd became greatly excited as the race was a close one.
       In the sixth race Allie Star, a 2 year old colt owned by Ward & Cooley and sired by Lone Star, won easily amid great applause.  The animal is a fine individual.
       A larger crowd was here than on Tuesday.  Big crowd expected Thursday, the last day.


       First Race:--2:20 trot.  Won by Allie N.  Time 1:08.
       Second Race--One fourth mile dash won by Nettie Harris; time 23 seconds.
       Third Race--Free for all pace.  Won by Hal Burton.  Time 1:03.
       Fourth Race--Three eights mile dash.  Won by Pleas Walters, time 35 seconds.
       Fifth Race--Half mile run.  Won by Diamond G, time 49 seconds.
       Sixth Race--Pace, two year olds.  Won by Allie Star; time 1:15.
       Note--Amount of purses not announced on program.


       Rosebud, Texas, Aug. 29.--The last day of the race meet was witnessed by a big crowd and the races were lively.  As Mayor Jack Ward says, the races here have been a success, financially, as well as otherwise.
       Nut Clipper, the well known pacer, owned by Frank Peacock of Marlin, had two heats won in the third race and the odds were in his favor for the final show down, when he got sick and was forced to surrender to Ludy K, owned by Farmer of Beaumont.  Everybody, apparently, was betting on Nut Clipper and the disappointment caused by his condition was keen.
       Marlin is the next point for the horseman and they will all go.  The impression among horsemen here is that the Marlin races are going to be fast ones and they will each expect to do their best.


       First Race--Free for all trot, one mile, won by King Airy; time 2:24.
       Second Race--Running, won by Diamond G; time, 49 1-2 seconds.
       Third Race--Pace, 2:20 class, won by Ludy K, time, 1:05
       Fourth Race--Running, one-fourth mile. Won by Rounder; time, 24  l-2 seconds.
       Fifth Race--Running, seven-eighths mile, won by Prince time, 1:29.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas