The Daily Democrat
Thirtieth year - Number 304
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, April 22, 1931

Mustang Musings.

To the Democrat:
Our school closed April 17 with a short but interesting program. A
very large crowd attended, people coming from Groesbeeck, Odds, Reagan, Eddy and other nearby places. We lost our principal, Miss Alma Stewart, but she ws offered an eight-month school. Miss Leila May Magee will be with us another year.
This community is noted for the good programs they put on during
school months. Some people object to that, but we always felt a child gained more than was lost.
We don't think a person can be found that doesn't enjoy a good
program; in fact, we have seen folks who were not able to go to church, but when the "Literary Society: met they were able to get there on time. We only hope our next term of school will be as successful as the one just ended.  

Brady Lewis of A. and M. spent the spring recess with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lewis.

Miss Flora Moncrief of Kosse spent the weekend with Miss Alma Lewis.

Mrs. Vertie Pearl Caldwell and children of McCamy are visiting her
brother, Bunyan Hightower.

Miss Catherine Camp of Ben Hur spent the weekend with Mrs. Tom Green.

Mrs. Ruby Preston and baby of Jacksonville are visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Yates.

The young folks enjoyed an entertainment in the of Albert Lewis
Saturday night.

Several farmers are putting King Cotton in the ground, but they didn't
forget the feed. There will be a large acreage of row feed and peas and a few more rows of pinto beans. It's a shame for a farmer to go to town and buy beans by the dollar's worth when they grow so well here.
We are trying two rows of corn and one row of beans. All gardens are
growing nicely, getting ready for the canners, most of us hope to own.

Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her
Volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.