The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, March 3, 1904

From The News

Frank Davis was called to Huntsville last Friday on account of the serious illness of his sister, but we are glad to note that her condition is somewhat improved.

L. G. Gresham, who resides near the city, killed a large catamount last Friday on Cottonwood. It was four feet in length and weighed forty pounds.

A great many inquiries are being received in regard to our oil proposition, but just wait, gentlemen, and we may give you a chance to get in on the ground floor.

Constable Luce passed through the city on the Aransas Pass railway enroute from Waco to Cameron, having in custody a negro who fills the description of the one who attempted the assault on a young lady near Branchville.

There are Several of our saloon men who will persist in selling liquor on Sunday, which is violation of the law and against the wishes of the best people of the town and country. Constable Wilson has a card in this issue which gives said violators fair, warning, and if they continue it is more than probable that their bondsman will be called upon for damages.

Judge G. W. Riddle will at an early date change his residence from Rosebud to Dallas, and direct his interests from that point instead of Rosebud as heretofore. He has established financial enterprises in different sections of the state and many of them have grown to be strong and well established institutions, He is a banker that has clustered about him success, is well known throughout the state and enjoys a splendid financial reputation. He will remain as president of the bank here with Mr. Martin still as its cashier.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.