Typed as spelled and written – Lena Stone Criswell


                                                  THE MARLIN DEMOCRAT

                                             Sixtieth Year – Number 101 – (p3)

                                 Marlin, Texas, Tuesday Morning, February 28, 1950


                                                  FALLS COUNTY NEWS


                                                          Rosebud News


            Mr. and Mrs. George Reaves and Miss Rosa Reeves of Bremond visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Irwin Friday.

            Mrs. Arnold Mudrow is a surgery patient in a Marlin hospital.

            Mrs. Henry Howard and son, Harold Howard, are in Meridian, Miss., visiting in the of Mr. and Mrs. D.W. McInnis, Mrs. McInnis is the former Wynona Howard.

            Mrs. Eula McGinnis of Abilene arrived Saturday for a visit here with relatives.

            Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Scott of Corpus Christi visited relatives here this week.

            Rev. and Mrs. Theo A. Binford have returned from Corpus Christi where he was called to hold funeral services for a long time friend.

            Miss La Nelle Binford of Tyler and Miss Annie Price were weekend guests of Rev. and Mrs. Theo, A. Binford.  Both girls teach in the Tyler school.

            Mrs. Louis Arnold of Klamath Falls, Oregon, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Henry Howard.

            Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Gummelt and family were called to Breham last week by the illness and death of Mrs. Gummelt’s father, Louis Kraemer.  The funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Friday at Brenham.

            Mrs. L. D. Houpt and Mrs. Bill Adams attended a training school of H. D. Club work in Lott, Saturday morning.

            Dr. Cecil E. Peeples, president of Lon Morris College, Jacksonville, Texas, was guest speaker at the evening worship services of the First Methodist Church Sunday.  The Jacksonville girls trio, of the college presented a number of vocal selections preceding the worship services, with Misses Weven Brewer of Bryan; Ruth Witson of Huntsville; and Barbara Baucom of Galveston forming the trio.

            Mrs. Ermine McClendon is visiting relatives in Houston.

            A religious census of Rosebud is being taken by the First Baptist Church.



Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.