The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, February 18, 1904

(From The News)

     J. W. Sneed, Will Atkins, S. T. Souther, Phil Houts and John Pool left Tuesday for the Navasot, where they will hunt and fish for several days.

     Jim Clark has been appointed carrier on route No. 1 which starts February 15, with Hal Greenlees as substitute.  The route embraces the Viesca and New Salem sections.

     The many friends of Judge Phillips, who resides near Travis, will regret to learn that he has been seriously ill with pneumonia, but all hope for his speedy recovery.

     The splendid rain which fell throughout this section last Friday morning was certainly welcomed by everyone.  Farmers were about to up with their work, and were only waiting for a good season.

     The farmers throughout this section, especially in the sandy land district, evidently intend to give the Irish potato industry a though trial, as there will be six or seven cars of seed potatoes planted here this season.

     An old man by the name of Hinson was found near the city Friday evening in a most pitiable condition.  He seemed to have been on a protracted drunk, and during his debauch had evidently got tangled up in a free-for-all fight, and his eye was badly bunged up and he showed other evidences of severe punishment.  He claimed to have received his injuries near Stallworth's bridge, but as he made several contradictory statements it is impossible to get at the facts in the case.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.