Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Twelfth Year - Number  (Missing)
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, February 13, 1902

       The little son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Warrock, who recently recovered from a severe illness is again quite ill.

       The Rosebud News' phones the Democrat  that County Commissioner Geo. Winkelman has consented to serve his precinct as commissioner and will be a candidate for re-election.

       There have been three deaths in Rosebud within the past few days.  The wife of Rev. W. B. White, Willie Ocker, son of Wm. Ocker and Pete Taylor, son of an old citizen of this county.  The two young men died of pneumonia.

       On February lst the capital stock of the First National Bank of this city was increased from $35,000 to $50,000.  We now have one of the best and most solid financial institutions in central Texas, and every citizen should feel proud of it.

       Mrs. Brewington our postmistress, informs us that within a short while the territory tributary to Rosebud will have the rural delivery system.  Four routes have been selected and parties along each route will receive their mail every day except Sunday.

       A serious accident happened at the artesian well Tuesday afternoon which will, we fear do lay work some time.  In hoisting one of the drills, weighing some three or four thousand pounds, the cable parted and the immense piece of machinery fell to the bottom, a distance of about 400 feet from where the cable broke. Tools for grapping the drill have already been ordered, and we earnestly hope that very little trouble will be experienced in recovering it.--Rosebud News.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas