Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year - Number 232
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, January 30, 1932
News From Rosebud
(The Rosebud News)

       The Burlington State Bank at Burlington completed a deal on the evening of January 26 whereby the bank was merged and consolidated with the Citizens National Bank of Cam(er)on.

Bridge Work Competed.

       The last section of concrete in the floor of the new bridge over Pond creek bottom was poured on Thursday, January 21.  The bridge was to be thrown open to traffic Friday, January 29, if weather conditions made travel over the short detour around the bridge difficult.

Legion Head Scheduled.

       F. W. Earp, state commander of the American Legion, will be be (sic) guest of Rosebud Monday, February 1, at three p.m., and will speak to a mass meeting of citizens and world war veterans.

Buried at Little River.

       Several Burlington folks attended the funeral of Grandmother Timmons at Little River cemetery last Thursday at two p.m.  Mrs. Timmons formerly lived at Burlington.


       Several Burlington folks attended the wedding of Miss Slama and Ollie Ernst in Cameron January 19.


       Alfred Stoebner and Miss Evelyn Martin were married at the rectory on last Thursday night about seven o'clock, Rev. Fr. Moriarity performing the ceremony.

Reside at Snead-Kasner.

       Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meier, who were recently married, have moved into the in the Snead-Kasner community vacated by Mr. and Mrs. John Pfeiffer and family, who have moved to the Lee Dale community.


Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.