Typed as spelled and written
Kay Cunningham

Fifteenth Year - Number 23
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, August 4, 1904

(From The News.)

     T. O. Martin and sister, Miss Mosolete, are sojourneying among the cool lakes of Michigan, and a letter to friends states that they are enjoying themselves immensly.
     J. J. Jones was in from the ranch yesterday and informs us that the condition of Uncle Lige Davison was no better, and that he is still suffering considerably.
     J. H. Barnett and family have returned from an extended trip through Hill county. They had considerable bad luck on the trip, one of their little boys getting his leg broke and another suffering from an attack of slow fever.
     Constable Wilson has declared war on the worthless canines that roam the streets and last week, with the assistance of several sportsmen, succeeded in killing between twenty-five and thirty. Let the good work continue.
     Loui Cohen, who takes a great deal of interest in military matters, is endeavoring to organize an infantry company here and we hope he will succeed, as a. well organized company is quite an advertisement for a town. There is plenty of material here for a crack company, and we trust Loui will be successful in organizing.
     A business league has been organized in Rosebud. The by laws of the organization called for a committee of eleven, to be appointed by the chair, whose business it will be to look after the best interests of the town, and the following were appointed: T. O. Martin, W. I. McReynolds, S. G. Henslee, J. S. Watson. R. W, Phillips, Geo. Vlha, H. Clay Searcy, Collier Monroe, Geo. Roper, W. L. Warrock, W. H. Barnhill and J. E. Tarver.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas