Typed as spelled - Lena Stone Criswell



Thirty-First Year - Number 56
Marlin, Texas, Tuesday, July 7, 1931




(The Rosebud News.)

Following a fortnight of lovely courtesies in recognition of the approaching marriage of Miss Carol Easley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ozier Easley of this city, to Mr. Robert Stedman of Cameron, the wedding was solemnized at the Methodist church in this city Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock with Rev. Weatherby, the bride's pastor, as the celebrant, in an impressive double ring ceremony.  After a honeymoon spent in San Antonio and Mexico, Mr. and Mrs. Stedman will preside in Cameron where Mr. Stedman is in business.

The revival meeting at Clarkson, which started on Sunday, June 21, was brought to a close on Sunday, June 28.  Rev. V. B. Brezeale, pastor of the Baptist church at Burlington, led in the services.  He was assisted by H. F. Schulz, who led the singing, and Miss Ida Byrd Mayfield of Cameron, who was pianist.  Six conversions were reported to have been brought about as a result of the meeting.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Marlin Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Tx.