Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell
Thirteenth Year - Number 44
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, July 03, 1902
Takes Issue With Savas and Says a Few
I notice in your last issue a letter from
one Mr. Savas Xydias. I don't know how to pronounce his name and that is
one reason he wants to turn your town loose. It is usually people with
unpronuncable names that want to over ride our laws, society and anything good
for the sake of a little pleasure or a few paltry dollars. Now it occurs
to me the gentleman wants Marlin to violate the law by selling on Sunday and
having gaming in the saloons, and for what? To satisfy a few thugs that
would go there to spend Sunday. That would help to corrupt your young
manhood and young womanhood, because people who demand our Sabbath desecrated
for their pleasures can not uplift much. If Marlin is too respectable for
the gentleman let him go to Coney Island or some other resort where hell is
realized day, night and Sunday. If he wants things like he speaks of, go
where they exist, don't try to bring a condition of that kind on the good people
of Marlin. There is more good, intelligent and refined people in Marlin
than any town of its size in the state, and I say advertise your town, make some
nice parks, have plenty of good music and you will always have in Marlin as many
people as you can take care of and it will be people that can get pleasure out
of something besides a mug of beer or violating the law or the Sabbath in some
J. S. Watson,
Rosebud, June 28, 1902.
Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas