The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 12
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, May 19, 1904


     The truck growers of Pleasant Grove and Viesca communities are each shipping out a car of potatoes today. They are selling around 90 cents per bushel, and the yield is very good. Other cars will follow these.
     T. O. Martin shipped a car of fat cattle to Fort Worth market this week.
     Farmers report wheat and oats rusting badly.
     S. T. Souther and wife left this week to attend the St. Louis Exposition.
     Miss Mosolete Martin is visiting in Mineral Wells.
     Dr. Snead and wife are visiting in Marlin.
     The trustees have decided to elect teachers on June 2.
     A good stand of cotton is reported, but it is doing very badly. Cold weather and insects have done much damage.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.