The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, April 7, 1904

(From The News)

     Arrangements are being perfected to organize a Woodmen Circle in Rosebud during the coming week, a sufficient number of names having been secured to guarantee a charter.
     Arrangements are being made for a school picnic about April 22 on the Colorado river. The schools at Lott, Travis, Burlington and Cameron will be invited to join in making the trip a success.
     Yesterday had been designated as Trades Day for Rosebud, and from the number of purchasers which thronged the streets it was very evident that the efforts of merchants had been fully appreciated.
     The Rosebud milling company are preparing several samples of their best flour for exhibition at the World's fair. The sacks are of white satin and the color work is simply fine.
     Dr. C. B. Stark, of Shiloh, Ark., and Miss Leila Roper, of this city, will be united in marriage at the Baptist church, Tuesday evening, April 5, at 6:30 o'clock. All friends of the family are invited to be present. No cards. The happy couple will leave on the 7:05 train for their future in Arkansas.
     The cold snap of last Friday night did considerable damage to corn and cotton, but hardly as much as was at first supposed. In the low places both corn and cotton were badly nipped, but the cotton will probably come to a stand as it was planted very thick The corn that was damaged will have to be replanted.
     The Pythians of Rosebud held a most interesting meeting Monday night, and there was evidently something as it was 2 a.m. before the lodge closed. There were three candidates for the 2nd. and they were conducted over the hot sands in the most approved style, several Knights from Marlin and Lott assisting them on their journey. After the victims had in a manner, recovered from their terrible experience a splendid lunch was spread in the hall, and it is needless to say that it was thoroughly enjoyed by all present, in fact a Knight is always at his best when a good spread is in sight.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.