Typed as spelled and written - Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year - Number 214
Marlin Texas, Saturday, January 9, 1932


(The Rosebud News)

The largest rain to fall in Rosebud in many moons fell Sunday, Monday and Monday night.  Precipitation up to Monday at six p.m. was four inches.  The rain of Monday night amounted to 2 1/2 inchs.  All creeks and sloughs were out of banks at some time during the flood.  No serious damage has been reported.

Escapes from Drowning

W. H. Wright, mail carrier on rural route No. 4, out of Rosebud barely missed being drowned Tuesday morning.  Mr. Wright was attempting to cross Pond creek bottom on horseback when the horse fell on his leg and the water was about three feet deep making it barely possible for him to keep his head above water.  The horse was unable to get up for what seemed many minutes, but just as Mr. Wright was almost exhausted, the horse moved so as to release his leg.  The mail for patrons on route No. 4 was soaked, but all of it was recovered after the bags had floated about 100 yards down the creek.  It was delivered Wednesday after being dried.

Wind Topples Chimney.

The family of Robert Adams of Travis and J. C. Asbury received a big scare Monday night as they were sitting by the fire place.  Suddenly, the wind shook the house, and the chimney flue fell in.  Members of the household thought the house was falling down.  No damage was done except to the flue.

Anvil Washed Away.

Some of the residents of Travis tell the story that an anvil which was in the blacksmith shop at Travis washed through a tin horn which crosses the street into the ditch on the other side of the street.  The author of this story is well known to the editor but he would not allow us to quote him.

Water Gets in Store.

Peeler's store at Travis was the scene of some unusual excitement the past Monday when water got to a depth of eight inches on the floor.
Pat Peeler, proprietor of the store, rushed out on to the store front and yelled to his neighbors to bring buckets and come to the rescue.  The alarmed neighbors came, bringing buckets with which they thought they would fight fire, but instead of fighting fire they dipped water.

Deepen Well at Briary.

White Bros. of Beaumont have begun to deepen the Emma Ward well No. 3 at Briary.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.