Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham

The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas     August 25, 1931

Purely Personal

    Mrs. Mollie Bartlett and son, Zeke, are visiting in Houston.

    Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Smith are visiting in Houston and Willis.

    Mrs. R. E. Parton at Mart is visiting friends and relatives in Marlin.

    W. R. Manor and family have returned from a vacation trip to Colorado.

    Mrs. F. B. Pringle has returned from a visit with relatives at Victoria.

    Miss Reta Lee Elliott of Smithville is a guest in the of Mrs. Dave Smith.

    Mrs. Dolly Bowers has returned from a visit with relatives in San Antonio.

    Del Sample of Cameron, former Rosebud resident, was a Marlin visitor today.

    Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith and family of Houston are visiting
Mrs. J. C. Shaw.

    Miss Jacie Linthicum is spending the weekend with Miss Eunice Higgins in Reagan.

    Bradley Linthicum III. and John Threadgill are visiting in San Antonio and Kerrville.

    Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Wiseman of San Antonio are guests in the of Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith.

    Mrs. Daniel Russell returned to her in College Station today after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Keeling.

    J. H. Barnett has returned from a business trip to Houston, being accompanied by Mrs. Barnett for a visit with relatives.

    A. C. Dunn has arrived from Austin, where he served as house reading clerk during the session of the Texas legislature.

    Miss Temple Dunn of Itasca was a weekend visitor in Marlin, a guest in the of her brother, A. C. Dunn.  She formerly resided at Rosebud.

    J. M. Wilson and family are visiting points in Arkansas, being accompanied to Dallas by W. C. Rogers, who will visit his daughter, Mrs. W. H. Blaylock, in that city.

    Haywood Hill, who is attending summer school at A. and M., spent the weekend at home.  He had as his guests Harry Steitler and Bryan Schlide, who are attending summer school.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.