Typed as
spelled and written
- Lena Stone Criswell
Thirty-First Year - Number 90
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, August 15, 1931
Purely Personal
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Tubb of Houston are visiting Marlin relatives.
Mrs. J. E. Vann left today for a visit in
Houston, Galveston and Freeport.
Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Weems of Shamrock are
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith.
Mrs. W. T. Thagard, son and daughter, of
Groveton, are guests of her sister, Mrs. Elgin Tubb.
Mrs. I. J. Pringle and daughter, Miss
Fannie Pringle, left today for a visit in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Frank Handelman has gone to New York City
on a buying expedition for his Marlin, Coleman and Yoakum stores.
Misses Bess and Mary Agnes Callaway who
were guests of Mrs. R. C. Burleson left today for their in Houston.
Mrs. J. C. Chatmas and daughter Miss
Evangeline Chatmas left today for a visit to Washington, D. C., and other
cities in the East.
Mrs. N. J. Lleweyllen, official
stenographer of Falls county district court, accompanied by her sister, Miss
Jeffie Pringle, attended sessions of the Texas Court Stenographers' Association
convention at Fort Worth this week.
Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.