Typed and spelled as written: Theresa Carhart

                        The Marlin Democrat
                    Marlin, Texas, Wednesday,
                        July 10, 1912


Miss Jeffie Pringle is visiting friends at Thornton
Tom B. Bartlett is in Anderson on a professional engagement.
Miss Inez Singer is visiting Mrs. B. A. Toliver of Fort Worth.
Miss Helen Lamb is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. A. Toliver, in Fort Worth.
Miss Virginia Fullenwider of Little Rock, Ark., is guest of Mrs. E. J.
Mrs. A. T. Gordon and Miss Palmer, who were guest of friends in Marlin, left
Sunday for Virginia.
Judge and Mrs. S. R. Scott of Waco spent Monday in Marlin, Judge Scott being
engaged in district court.
W. D. Moore of Chilton was a vistor to Marlin Monday. A little rain would
not go against the garain he says.
Wise men say that a commercial organization is the star of destiny that will
shape the size and future of any city.
Dr. Munger, city healton officer, states the at the reason the streets were
not sprinkled Saturday night was because the street sprinkler was out of
commission and the the nexessary repairs will be made at once.
Auto parties to Marlin are quite common these days.   Waco, Temple, Dallas,
and Austin and intermediate points find autoing to Marlin very pleasant.
From one to tree such parties are constantly her and on Sundays they are
here in bunches.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.