Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty First Year - Number 91
Marlin, Texas, Monday, August 17, 1931
Classified Ads
FOR RENT -- A furnished home,
an apartment or rooms. Phone 513
Mrs. J. C. Shaw
The New Fall 1932
Embroidery Packages
Are Here
Every package contains besides
the stamped or hand tinted piece
sufficient, Bucilla or Glossilla
flosses to complete design, needle
and lesson chart.
All Guaranteed Fast Color
Come in and See the Finished Models
Handelman Bros.  Phone 392   Marlin, Texas
WANTED -- To rent a rooming
(ho)use in the city. Apply 101 Com-
(merce) street.
W. R. Wiseman and Hugo Knott, president and
vice-president of the Commonwealth Bank & Trust Co. of
San Antonio and owners of the Arlington Hotel, were here
Sunday looking over the hotel property with J. M. Thompson,
local manager.  Mr. Wiseman stated while the hotel is
doing nicely now with the new apartments, that the has decided to have all of the hotel overhauled, paint the whole building, inside and
out, fix up all the rooms in first class condition.

         Every room in the hotel will be overhauled and painted,
new paper and new carpets in all halls and stairways, etc.

He stated he is well pleased with the way the hotel is conducted
and the amount of business it is doing, considering the
depression all ove the county.  When the hotel is completed,
Manager Thompson said he is going to give the traveling public
more for their money than any hotel of its size in the
The Opening of a
Chiropody Office
Specializing in the treatment of ailments
of the human foot by
H. M. CUSTER, D. S. C.
Doctor of Surgical Chiropody
W. C. LOFTIN, D. S. C.
of Waco, Associate.
Phone Room 308
Hilton Hotel
Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.