Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year - Number 55
Marlin, Texas, Monday, July 6, 1931

Classified Ads
FOR RENT -- Furnished 3-room apartment,
private bath; modern conveniences; colse (sic) in
on Chambers street.  O. Torbett.
FOR RENT -- Modern southeast apartment,
newly papered, close in, very reasonable,
Mrs. W. A. Patrick, 200 Bridge street.
FOR RENT -- 2 or 3 room southeast
downstairs apartments.  Close in.
Mrs. C. H. Plott, phone 674.
Masonic Chapter Tonight.
Marlin chapter No. 200 R. A. M. will meet
in the Masonic hall at eight o'clock tonight for the
purpose of confering the past master and
most excellent degrees.  All members are
urged to attend.  Visiting companions welcome.
C. S. Cousins, H. P.
STRAYED -- Bay mare, roached mane,
branded on left hip H, bar underneath.
Notify G. H. McDaniel, Route 2.
LOST -- Sunday morning one brown hand bag
containing clothing.  Return to or write
W. C. Vines, College Station, for suitable reward.
HOUSE FOR RENT -- Comfortable, close in,
near school house.  Phone 487.
Mrs. Lily Levi.
FOR RENT -- For one month, my residence,
furnished, including General Electric refrigerator.
A. C. Dunn.
FOR RENT -- 4-room furnished duplex with
sleeping porch.   Mrs. L. P. Robertson,
410 Capps street.
FOR SALE -- Ceiling fans $25.00 each.
Call 564.
WHITE SPITZ puppies for sale.
Priced $3.50 and $5.00.  Call 381.
FOR RENT -- Building formerly occupied by
Bryden drug store, corner Railroad and
Live Oak streets.  New, corner stand.
Write or phone E. Folk, Mart, Texas.
WANTED -- Two-burner oil stove
in good condition.  Phone 730.
FOR SALE -- A fine Jersey cow
fresh in milk.  Call John Adam, Marlin, Texas.
FOR SALE -- 8-tube 1930 model Majestic radio with
large cabinet cheap.  Pyland Produce.
FOR SALE -- A fine Jersey cow fresh in milk.
Call John Adam, Marlin, Texas.
WANTED -- Two-burner oil stove
in good condition.  Phone 730.

Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.