Typed as spelled and written
- Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year - Number 51
Marlin, Texas,Tuesday, June 30, 1931

Classified Ads

FOR RENT -- Modern 5-room house,
furnished or unfurnished. Mrs. W. F. Turner.

WANTED -- By man and wife,
room and board with young couple in private
home.  Write P. O. Box 210, Marlin, Texas.

-- At Our Winter street entrance for curb service.
There will be plenty of space and you will receive attention.
Rettig's Pure Cream Ice Cream
Delicious Toasted Sandwiches
Sherbets -- Frosted Orangeade
Creamy Root Beer in frozen mugs
Lemon Snow.
We are sure you will be delighted.
Yours for Service
Save with Safety at your Rexall Drug Store

To attain it is only knowing "WHERE."
It is surprising what a few treatments at
ANNIE PARKS' will do toward revealing your
real youthful loveliness.
Have them give you a Facial and Eye Brow Arch,
or Permanent.
Phone 282   Majestic Annex Hotel

BIG, large, nice plums for sale on my place,
Marlin-Chilton road, 3 miles west of river.
$1.50 per bushel.
Martin Roberts.

FOR SALE -- Big ripe tomatoes
60c per bushel at the patch.  See Sam Pharr
on Marlin and Kosse road.

FOR RENT -- 3 furnished rooms, modern
conveniences, private bath and garage.
Mrs. L. D. Hailey, 624 Coleman street.

FOR RENT -- House on Ward street.
Phone 138.

FOR RENT -- Cottage with 5 rooms, bath,
sleeping porch, front and back porches.  All modern
conveniences.  Situated on Williams street three blocks
south of the courthouse square. 
Mrs. C. A. Oltorf, office phone 488, residence 81.

LOST --- A child's cedar chest about 12 inches long
containing beads, rings, etc., at the Southern Pacific
station Saturday at 1:15 o'clock.  Finder please
return to Mrs. F. A. York at Majestic Hotel and
receive reward.

We wish to announce we have bought out
White's Meat Market and are prepared to serve  you
with first class government inspected meats at all times.
Your patronage will be appreciated.
E. C. Cobb
      Bernard Cobb.

APARTMENT FOR RENT -- 3 OR 4 rooms, cool south
bed rooms.  Mrs. W. F. Turner.

FOR RENT -- 5-room home, modern, will
rent furnished or unfurnished.
Mrs. Lloyd Martin.

Ice Cream Delights
Let it be "100 IN THE SHADE."
A Cooling, refreshing, delicious Ice Cream Sundae
here will pep you up in a hurry.  Stop in at our
convenient fountain.


Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.